Saturday, August 25, 2007

Our vision

“” is the first Messianic online-radio in the Russian language.

- So? What’s so special about it? – We’ll tell you!

First, this is an opportunity for Jews believing in Yeshua to have their own radio station.

Second, this is a chance for Jews, NOT YET believing in Yeshua, to learn about Him without being imposed by the Church and the Synagogue. It is a chance to make the Jewish people finally see an unretouched image of the world-famous Jew named Jesus. To make them know Him personally.
Messianic movement is often reproached for being inspired by the western churches with the only goal – to ensnare Jewish souls… Therefore, we decided to make “” an utterly independent (but not from God) radio station, not being “a spokesman” of a single denomination or community. This is an open floor for all those who want to speak about Yeshua. Our listeners may be striken by the variety of views and opinions, but there is one thing that unites all the participants of our project – faith in God of Israel and His Mashiah!

But Jews can’t help arguing, so be ready to listen to lots of diverse viewpoints and discussions! Some of them may be quite heated, but our arguments don’t come out of hostility (as it often happens). This is a dialogue with the purpose of reaching the Truth.

“” doesn’t only preach. The major portion of our air is given to the Jewish history, culture, politics…and, certainly, Jewish music! We are interested in all the aspects of the Jewish people’s life.

You won’t have time to be bored!!! team is ready to broadcast programs and musical compositions of all the communities involved in spreading the Good News of Israel’s Messiah. If you want to make a contribution in the development of the first Russian-speaking Messianic radio – you are welcome! We are open for communication! Together we’ll be able to tell the world about Christ – first to the Jews, and then, surely, to Gentiles (1 Cor.1:23).

Geography of our current audience covers almost all the Europe, the former USSR states, the USA, Australia and, certainly, Israel.

Our radio station exists on donations. If you have a wish to support our ministry, please, contact us by using the following address:

@ by Yeshua Tzidkenu, 2010, Australia