Dear visitor! Most likely you’ve already listened to some of our broadcasts, enjoyed Messianic music and learned about the “” radio before clicking this button.
The audience of our radio is growing continually: every month we have 40-50 new listeners more and the total number of our listeners is already over 1000 per month. Isn’t it great? More and more people find our radio because they want to hear about Mashiah!
Everything that happens at the “” radio is the result of the volunteers’ work – from maintaining and updating the web-page to recording and editing the broadcasts. It is a big and blessed deal, and we’re grateful not only to our team but also to those who provide their free donations so that the radio would keep existing and developing.
“God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor.9:7), and it isn’t necessary to give millions for it. Especially when you don’t have them. Believe us, every dollar or ruble given in all sincerity is already a great contribution into the spread of the News about Mashiah.
Probably, you might be interested what we are going to spend your donations for. We don’t keep it a secret. In the nearest future the “” radio plans to increase the broadcasting channel capacity, to open the new music channel and to improve the work of the web-page; besides, it is necessary to purchase the new equipment for providing the high-quality sound.
We pray so that our radio-ministry would bring the News about Mashiah to as much people as possible – to Jews and Gentiles – throughout the world.
If you feel that the Lord encourages you to support our ministry financially, you may send your donations through the PayPal system (for or “Yandex.Money” (41001314738302).
Yours in Yeshua,
the team of
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The audience of our radio is growing continually: every month we have 40-50 new listeners more and the total number of our listeners is already over 1000 per month. Isn’t it great? More and more people find our radio because they want to hear about Mashiah!
Everything that happens at the “” radio is the result of the volunteers’ work – from maintaining and updating the web-page to recording and editing the broadcasts. It is a big and blessed deal, and we’re grateful not only to our team but also to those who provide their free donations so that the radio would keep existing and developing.
“God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor.9:7), and it isn’t necessary to give millions for it. Especially when you don’t have them. Believe us, every dollar or ruble given in all sincerity is already a great contribution into the spread of the News about Mashiah.
Probably, you might be interested what we are going to spend your donations for. We don’t keep it a secret. In the nearest future the “” radio plans to increase the broadcasting channel capacity, to open the new music channel and to improve the work of the web-page; besides, it is necessary to purchase the new equipment for providing the high-quality sound.
We pray so that our radio-ministry would bring the News about Mashiah to as much people as possible – to Jews and Gentiles – throughout the world.
If you feel that the Lord encourages you to support our ministry financially, you may send your donations through the PayPal system (for or “Yandex.Money” (41001314738302).
Yours in Yeshua,
the team of